News & Articles


Love and Money

By: Will Berigan, CFP® | May 21, 2021 | Categories: Will’s Touches

Defining anyone let alone one’s own mother through their relationship with money isn’t fair to them. However, their experience with money and how they lived within it drives so much of the choices they made and the [...]

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In the Shadow of Money

By: Will Berigan, CFP® | April 29, 2021 | Categories: Will’s Touches

I’ll begin my first shared lesson in this inaugural blog with a question I heard right when I started this financial planning career in 2007. It was in a training session and the suggestion was to ask prospective clients [...]

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Ask for Help and Say Thank You

By: Will Berigan, CFP® | March 24, 2021 | Categories: Will’s Touches

Every child in my family had a new sibling show up after them but for me. So, at 52 years old my siblings are the only people I have been linked to every single day of my life. I feel grateful that I am the only one [...]

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